The Amazing Transformation of a Resilient Chubby Kitty

This Overweight Cat Continues To Impress Everyone With Her Incredible Progress

Keeping our furry friends healthy and active is essential, even for our feline companions. It’s important to prevent them from becoming overweight, as it can lead to various health problems down the line.

Meet Smudge, an 18-year-old cat who was on the chonky side. Luckily, her life took a turn for the better when Kaia and Matt decided to welcome her into their home. Kaia shared their story, mentioning that when they first brought Smudge home at the age of 15, she weighed around 23 pounds.

Realizing that Smudge needed some extra care and a weight loss plan, her new owners were determined to help her get back in shape. They started by taking her to the vet, who advised them to gradually incorporate exercise into her daily routine.

And so, a new chapter began for Smudge as she embarked on a fitness journey with her loving family by her side.

overweight cat walking

Thanks to their spacious living area, this family had the perfect environment to keep Smudge from becoming a lazy cat. Kaia shared, “We have a large yard, so we thought it would be good for Smudge to get some exercise outside. We started taking her out.”

However, just like starting any new workout routine, there were some bumps in the road. Smudge wasn’t exactly thrilled about her outdoor excursions. Each time they tried to take her outside, she would quickly retreat back into the house. It was clear that they needed to brainstorm a new approach to get their furry friend moving. A Cat on the Go

overweight cat sitting

Credit: YouTube
So, what was their plan of action?
They made the decision to take her for walks a bit farther away from the house, giving her that extra push she needed. And guess what?
Smudge finally started moving!
Thanks to her parents focusing on her diet and weight, Smudge began to notice some changes for the better. Kaia mentioned:
“At her recent vet appointment, she weighed 18.6 pounds.”
Initially, Smudge wasn’t too excited about her daily walks. It’s unclear whether it was because she wasn’t used to it or because it was uncomfortable for her to move.

photo of overweight senior cat walking

YouTube deserves the credit for the original source, but as the days went by, more and more people became interested in joining Smudge on her walks, especially when her whole family joined in. When Smudge needed a break due to fatigue, she would rest briefly before jumping back into action. Determined to keep Smudge active, her parents were always finding innovative solutions to ensure she got her exercise. Kaia remembered a particularly hot spell when they switched to evening walks to prevent Smudge from overheating, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

Smudge became so fond of her daily walks that she would show her dissatisfaction when it rained. “One day, it was pouring, and she wanted to go out. We opened the door to show her the rain, and it seemed like she was mad at it.” To ensure she stayed happy and motivated, her loving owners found a smart way to tackle rainy days. Matt would grab an umbrella, and they would set off on their walk together, building a special bond in the process.

man holding a cat

According to Kaia, Smudge shares a unique bond with her human dad, Matt, as he suffers from arthritis and needs to stay active. Smudge serves as his motivation on days when he doesn’t feel like doing anything, encouraging each other to stay active for their health. Their special connection is a heartwarming example of love and commitment, with Matt being the one who rescued Smudge, further strengthening their bond.

man holding cat in his arms

Source: YouTube

Facing obesity as an older cat can be tough, but Smudge proves to be a resilient warrior, continually wowing others with her remarkable improvement. Despite her workout regimen and regular strolls, Smudge is a typical senior cat who delights in the outdoors and enjoys basking in the wonders of nature.

senior overweight cat

Credit: YouTube

The transformation of Smudge showcases the incredible power of love, dedication, and perseverance. With each passing day, she blossoms into a picture of happiness and vitality, bringing an abundance of joy to her loving caregivers. Her journey is a shining example that it’s never too late to start your journey towards a healthier and happier life.

Next Up:
A Chubby Cat Dad Was Overindulging, so His Owners Came Up with a Clever Plan to Help Him Out

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